Mr. Yassin Tusingwire holds a Master’s degree in law from the University of Cape Town, South Africa and a bachelor’s degree in law (LLB) from the National University of Rwanda. He also holds two (2) postgraduate training certificates in human rights, law and HIV/AIDS, and intellectual property and access to medicines from Makerere University, Kampala - Uganda. Previously, Yassin has worked in senior management positions with International NGOs. He worked with the Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA) as a Programme Coordinator, worked with the Institute for War and Peace Reporting (IWPR) as a Programme Manager and worked with Care International as a Governance and Technical Support Unit Manager for PPIMA (Public Policy Information, Monitoring and Advocacy), then, a consortium project of the NPA, Care International and Save the Children. During his tenure in these positions, Yassin strategically advised and technically implemented Sida (Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency), DfID (Department for International Development), USAID (United States Agency for International Development) and NORAD (Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation) funded projects/programmes. With funding from these development agencies, Yassin managed and coordinated civil society governance and women empowerment projects in Rwanda with a portfolio of 17 civil society organizations, mostly umbrella organizations. As a consultant, Yassin has successfully implemented consultancy projects for USAID, UNDP, International Organization for Migration (IOM), Rwanda Governance Board, Care International, Action Aid International, Chemonics, Three Stones International, Oxfam International, International Alert, Plan International, Network of international NGOs in Rwanda, Pro-femmes Twese Hamwe (a women’s rights umbrella organization), Great Lakes Initiative for Human Rights and Development (GLIHD), Rwanda Civil Society Platform, Never Again Rwanda, Health Development Initiative (HDI), among others. Yassin has previously been a member of the Organization of Social Science Researchers in East and Central Africa. He has also previously served as a Country Expert for the Varieties of Democracy Project in Rwanda. Variety of Democracy is a project of the University of Gothenburg, Sweden that measures hundreds of features of democracy for all countries and colonies in the world since1900. In 2020, Yassin served as a regular panelist of the NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Alliance) South Hub, contributing to the comprehensive understanding, situational awareness, decision making and information sharing about countries outside NATO geographical scope.