Dr. MBUSA KABUYAYA Guillaume is leading ADS Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights and Sexual Gender Based Violence (SGBV) related work. He holds a degree in general medicine from the University of Bukavu. Prior to joining ADS, Dr. Guillaume has been working with the Ministry of Health in collaboration with Ipas and Médecins Sans Frontières- France as a physician for emergencies. In this capacity, Dr Guillaume has been responsible for women's primary health care and treating cases of SGBV especially victims of war and armed conflicts.

Dr Guillaume has successfully provided medical services and supervised teams in complex environments, including working as a hospital director in Kitchanga, Mweso and the general hospital of Birambizo, all hospitals located in war ravaged areas. He is also a trainer in Clinical Management of Survivors of Sexual Violence.

Dr. Guillaume is trained collection, processing, preservation of GBV evidence and drafting of forensic expert reports; trained in Medical and ambulance management of referred patients, trained in organizational leadership; trained in leadership and management of IPC programs; trained in the stabilization of the war wounded and HIV & AIDS; trained in ''nephropathies and kidney replacement'' and trained in infertility, prematurity, neonatal infectiology, quality of care (Malaria and anesthesia-resuscitation), Diabetes, among others.