ADS is dedicated to improving lives of vulnerable communities in Eastern DRC through various community focused activities and initiatives aimed at promoting human rights and social justice. Our actions are deliberate to achieve the following ADS vision, mission and strategic objectives:
A peaceful and happy society where rights are enjoyed sustainably
To mobilize communities and build strategic alliances with like-minded organizations to promote a conducive environment for peaceful co-existence, address environmental challenges, promote equality and intergenerational dialogue.
To promote peace and peaceful co-existence
To promote regional Integration
To promote climate justice and environmental protection
To promote gender and development
To promote intergenerational equity
All our approaches and strategies are innovative, community based, context specific and impact driven. We develop and adapt strategies, approaches and tools that are designed to bring about the desired change, work with strategic partners and allies to mobilize and shape a critical mass of resilient communities and contribute to citizen driven public policy and action through advocacy. Learning and replication of lessons learnt and best practices is central to our approaches. We are knowledgeable about results-based management planning, monitoring and reporting as well as outcome mapping and outcome harvesting approaches to support our documentation, learning and growth objectives.